Date Released : 24 February 2006
Genre : Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Stars : Jon Stewart, Judi Dench, Daniel Tay, Jimmy Fallon. This is the story of Doogal, an adorable candy-loving mutt who goes on a mission to save the world. Doogal must prevent the evil sorcerer Zeebad from freezing the earth forever with the power of the three mysterious legendary diamonds. Joining Doogal on his big quest are pals Dylan, a guitar-playing rabbit, Ermintrude, an opera-singing cow, and Brian, a bashful snail. Hopping on a magic train, ..." />
Movie Quality : BRrip
Format : MKV
Size : 700 MB
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This is the story of Doogal, an adorable candy-loving mutt who goes on a mission to save the world. Doogal must prevent the evil sorcerer Zeebad from freezing the earth forever with the power of the three mysterious legendary diamonds. Joining Doogal on his big quest are pals Dylan, a guitar-playing rabbit, Ermintrude, an opera-singing cow, and Brian, a bashful snail. Hopping on a magic train, they travel over ice-capped mountains, navigate fiery pits of lava, and sail across vast oceans on the perilous journey of a lifetime. Along the way, they learn that the most powerful weapon of all is their friendship - which even Zeebad's magic cannot destroy!
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Review :
Eisner could have been right with this crap on a stick
This was possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. It makes dukes of hazards look like Gone With The Wind.
The only time I laughed at the movie was from relief, when it ended. The jokes in the movie were horrible. For example, when skeletons came out of the ground they said "Pirates of the Carribian." Thats it. WHAT? This movie was released by the weinstien brothers who were the head of mirimax. Michael Eisner fired them a few years ago, I am starting to think that this was a good idea, because even Eisner would not release stink like this.
Also, the dubbing was horrible. There was a moose in the movie, whose mouth did not move, but he still spoke. Don't see this movie, it sucks.
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